
If you use a high resolution displacement or vector displacement texture, simply use a Materials/Displacement or a Materials/VectorDisplacement shader with the Displacement -> Displacement Mode attribute set to Displacement+Bump. You won't need any normal textures, the displacement will produce high frequency normals. The User Guide/Scene Graph Attributes/Displacement section.

Bump map

A greyscale texture used as a bump map. Use a bump map in the Surface shader
  1. In the RenderGraph, add a Surface node.
  2. Add a Attributes/BumpMap sub-shader in the Surface > Normals > Normal attribute.
  3. Choose a bump texture.
The Library/Attributes/BumpMap sub-shader. The Help > Samples > Bump NormalMap Displace sample project.

Normal map

A normal map texture used as a bump map. Use a normal map in the Surface shader
  1. In the RenderGraph, add a Surface node.
  2. Add a Attributes/NormalMap sub-shader in the Surface > Normals > Normal attribute.
  3. Choose a normal map texture.
The Library/Attributes/NormalMap sub-shader. The Help > Samples > Bump NormalMap Displace sample project.

Multiple normals

You can use different bump or normal maps for each Library/Materials/Surface shader BRDF. Proceed as above for the following outputs:

  • DiffuseNormal: the normal for the diffuse BRDF.
  • Spec1Normal: the normal for the Spec1 BRDF.
  • Spec2Normal: the normal for the Spec2 BRDF.
  • MetalNormal: the normal for the Metal BRDF.
  • GlassNormal: the normal for the Glass BRDF.